This april 24th we are taking over london’s famous Waterloo station.

We are renting 8 billboards to showcase your art across the entire station for 24 hours.

You can be a part of this by filling in your Instagram Username and paying the $175 participation fee.

Your participation fee includes:

  1. your artwork, artist name and instagram handle on a billboard

  2. a photo showing your art on at least one billboard in waterloo station

  3. tons of exposure, as tens of thousands of people will see your artwork

Payment details

you can join our artist showcase below VIA PAYPAL.

IF YOU would use an alternative payment option instead, please reach out to us at info@plogixgallery.com and we will accommodate this for you.

Instagram Username:

Still not sure? Write us an email at info@plogixgallery.com


Still not sure? Write us an email at info@plogixgallery.com ~