New Directions

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New Directions by Red.jpg

New Directions


New Directions

The secret of change is to focus your energy, not on the past which has gone but give a new direction to your dreams.

My life is currently evolving in a new direction. Usually, I am a planner, a doer with certain goals outlined to be achieved. And then, life puts in your path all kinds of unknowns and obstacles. Ones you certainly can’t control.

I think we are often challenged to go in new directions. To find new paths to explore our dreams. It is not easy for someone like me who always wants to be in control. I must have faith that “What seems to be a dead-end may be an arrow pointing you in an unexpected direction.”
― Bashar

Therefore, I will have to be ready, to be alive with an open mind and be willing to move in a new direction even without clear boundaries so that my dreams are part of my everyday life.
We are not retreating we are advancing in another direction.  - Douglas Macarthur

Dare to Feel,



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Oil, 24 x 30 in