Ladder of Life

Ladder of Life by Red.jpg
Ladder of Life by Red.jpg

Ladder of Life


Ladder of Life

What is your Ladder of Life made up of? Are the rungs mistakes or successes? For we need both in order to grow and learn, to be our best.

“Like success, failure is many things to many people. With Positive Mental Attitude, failure is a learning experience, a rung on the ladder, a plateau at which to get your thoughts in order and prepare to try again.” - W. Clement Stone

What supports your ladder? Is it solid ground? Do you have faith, integrity, truth and determination to support your climb up the ladder?

“We make ourselves a ladder out of our vices if we trample the vices themselves underfoot.”
- Saint Augustine

We each have our own ladder of life. Additionally, each ladder is different in length and number of rungs. Some of us may make our best rise in a brief length of time. While others take a little longer. But remember, when you look back and look at the distance you have come don’t forget you have climbed many rungs in time to step forward in your life. And that is okay!

For overcoming our difficulties in life is a noteworthy achievement. Moreover, holding on to the rungs and continuing to live life even when you fall is an immense accomplishment. Achieving success is not measured by how many times you fell down, but it’s how many times you rise from the ground and continue climbing the ladder of life. Life does not end at a single step of failure; it is a continuous process.

We all know life’s success is not an overnight event. Our ladder is filled with many obstacles and opportunities. For you can picture your ladder extending to any height, even out of sight, it is your ladder to take to whatever heights in life you choose.

Life is a mixture of both wins and losses. Indeed, you will learn the most from your losses; so, don’t just focus on your wins. But don’t rest to long on one rung,

“The rung of a ladder was never meant to rest upon, but only to hold a man's foot long enough to enable him to put the other somewhat higher.“
- Thomas Henry Huxley

Use all of your opportunities to progress up you ladder. Of most importance, be appreciative and grateful for others’ assistance. Continue climbing the ladder of life step by step. Indeed, life is amazing.

“Just remember, you can't climb the ladder of success with your hands in your pockets.” - Arnold Schwarzenegger

My “Ladder of Life” Painting is created with oils that abstractly depicts a ladder with many sizes, shapes, and degrees of rungs we experience in our life’s journey.

Ladder of Life l 36x12 l Oil l 645 l

Here is a link to an article from the Mustard Seed – Lesson For Living on the Ladder of Life that I found pretty interesting. Ladder of Life by Dr Seavey

Dare to Feel,

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Oil, 36 x 12 in