Hidden Waterfall

Hidden Waterfall


Hidden Waterfall

Meet me at the Hidden Waterfall. Something about waterfalls always intrigue and capture my spirit.

Is it their unstopping powerful force of nature? Their majestic beauty as the water cascades down mountainsides or streams. Maybe its their power to cleanse the mind and soothe the soul. Or perhaps, it is all of these things. Nevertheless, when my Lovie (my husband) and I are selecting hikes to explore, we usually search for ones that will bring me to waterfalls, at least one.

For I recall so many outstanding journeys to waterfalls throughout Colorado, Utah, New Mexico and Carolinas. It is even more of a delight to discover a waterfall when none was expected. Whether they are close up or far off, I find waterfalls forever to be mesmerizing. Perhaps it is the wild and freeness of them, that reminds me to have a free spirit.
There is a hidden message in every waterfall. It says, if you are flexible, falling will not hurt you! - Mehmet Murat Ildan

As I reflect on my waterfall adventures, the roaring sound of the waterfall through the forest comes to mind. Where my excitement and step increase as the sound grows louder. Almost there I say to myself. The climb and arduous hike will soon be rewarded by seeing that magnificent, glorious beauty of nature – the waterfall. What splendor to behold. Oh, the music of a waterfall. I never tire of it.

"Great things are over every fall and around every bend."

Hidden Waterfall l 36” x 24” l Acrylic l

Waterfalls seem to enriched and enlightened you. There's something so magical about them. They're roaring and powerful, while simultaneously serene and calming. As they sluiced down the immense steep cliff, you can feel the mighty falling water and you begin to let yourself dream. Your body is refreshed as the shooting spray touches you and dances in the air to create rainbows of gold, pink and blue. It takes your breath away.

“There is a waterfall in every dream. Cool and crystal clear, it falls gently on the sleeper, cleansing the mind and soothing the soul.” - Virginia Alison

This acrylic abstract titled “Hidden Waterfall” is my reminder to remember the waterfalls, be free of spirit to create, dream and enjoy life. Let your imagination be as powerful as that waterfall.

My mind is a raging torrent, flooded with rivulets of thought cascading into a waterfall of creative alternatives. - Mel Brooks

Dare to Feel,
Red (Linda Harrison)

See more of Red's Creations at www.Strokesbyred.com

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Acrylic, 36 x 24 in