Feeling Good

Feeling Good By Red, Oil, 48x60.jpg
Feeling Good By Red, Oil, 48x60.jpg

Feeling Good



It's a new dawn
It's a new day
It's a new life
For me
And I'm feeling good
I'm feeling good 

Michael Bublé sings this song Feeling Good which pretty much summarized how I was feeling in my studio the other day. Most of January had me preoccupied with all kinds of activities (cleaning out and reorganizing storage areas, getting rid of junk, year-end paperwork, refreshing my home), but none of these had me in my studio painting. 

After some time away, I was happy to be amongst my paints, canvases, and creating new art. I was working on this particular painting when I heard the song titled “Feeling Good”. As I listened to the lyrics, I couldn’t help thinking it was describing my current state of mind – free, alive, and just feeling good. 

2020 has brought me a new life, a new day to my everyday world. As I returned to my passion for creating abstracts, this particular painting represents that I am Feeling Good about my current and future state. 

Dare to Feel, 



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Oil, 48 x 60 in