Other Worlds 06

Other Worlds 06 30x24in 76x60cm MID.jpg
Other Worlds 06 30x24in 76x60cm MID.jpg

Other Worlds 06


Title: Other Worlds 06
Medium - Oil on Canvas
Size – 30x24in (76x60cm)
Year of Creation – 2020


Inspired by the beauty of the cosmos, Other Worlds is a collection of large and small works on canvas. The collections name comes from its main source of inspiration; the vast expanse of the cosmos cradling an almost unimaginable number of planets, each with their own melting pot and combinations of elements, molecules, and structure.

The colour palette is inspired by the various colours of different elements, strung out over the universe by exploding stars, elements which, to an extent, dictate whether a world is a home or hostile to us. The rich, warm tones, which we usually associate with “Earth” are there to ground us and inspire the thought of other, potentially habitable worlds. The metallic jewel tones of gold and copper symbolize the preciousness of our own world, and the extraordinary set of events which created a living, breathing world we evolved to live on.

The shape and structure of the paintings are representations of the shape and structure of the cosmos. From diffuse gas clouds, mighty star nurseries, to the gravitationally formed spherical planets. With so much variety, chaos, death, and rebirth across such a vast expanse of space and time, it’s entirely possible that there’s another world out there that drew the same cards as our own.


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Oil, 76 x 60 cm